—Together, we can achieve a vision of equal opportunity for all Over the past 140 years, AAUW has become the leading voice in advancing gender equity in education and workplaces. Are you interested in building your network, enhancing your professional development, and working alongside others to advocate for change? Connect with individuals who share your commitment to inclusion on our campuses, in our workplaces, and in our communities — and who want to do something about it. Join AAUW Ohio.
Hold the Date
Saturday, April 26, 2025
AAUW Ohio and the Worthington AAUW Branch
Invite You to A Joint Spring Session on
The Power of We:
Productive Partnerships
9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
In Person and Online Options
Lunch Onsite
All Saints Lutheran Church
6770 North High Street
Worthington, Ohio
Pre-Event Book Discussion Via Zoom
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know
Adam Grant, Author
Friday Evening, April 25, 2025, 7 p.m.
Details to follow.
AAUW Bowling Green Ohio cosponsors Great Decisions Lecture Series
Join the weekly Great Decisions Lecture Series happening from Feb. 1 2025 through Mar. 1, 2025 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. You can check out the discussion topics by click this link: Great Decisions 2025with speakersedited2
You can join these discussions in person at:
BG Senior Center
140 South Grove Street
Or join virtually via Zoom.
Meeting ID:
843 2815 5586
Password is case sensitive.
AAUW Ohio Bylaws Change–
It was announced April 13, 2024 at the Annual Meeting that AAUW Ohio delegates had adopted an important change to our State Bylaws. Each State member can vote. The change replaces our branch delegate voting system. New Bylaws are posted on the Branch Resources page.
AAUW Affiliate Bylaws Changes. Your branch must make changes to your bylaws and submit them to connect@aauw.org by June 30, 2026. This seems like a long time, but why not do it now? It’s easy, using the new version of Affiliate Model Bylaws.
Join members of the AAUW Ohio Bylaws Committee for three short and to-the-point presentations on Bylaws. Zoom links are forthcoming.
1.Your Affiliate (Branch) Bylaws: What You Need to Know
Each affiliate must update bylaws by early 2026. We will offer easy tips.
Watch the video by clicking this link.
Passcode: ZV+CkGM4
Download the presentation here.
2. Bylaws: The Uncomplicated Rulebook
Bylaws are short and concise, acting as a rulebook for the operation of an affiliate.
Monday, February 24, 10 a.m., on Zoom
Nancy Stellhorn, Presenter
Watch the video by clicking this link.
Passcode: ZV+CkGM4
Download the presentation here.
3. Policy Books: How to Implement Bylaws
Confused about the differences between bylaws and policies? We can help.
Monday, March 3, 10 a.m., on Zoom
Carolyn Reams Smith, Presenter
Watch the video by clicking this link.
Meeting ID: 658 224 5163
Passcode: Aj3V*!28
Support AAUW and AAUW Ohio Through Donations
From Deborah Wooldridge, Vice President for Philanthropy
Gloria L. Blackwell, AAUW CEO, wrote that AAUW has been in this fight for a long time. Our strength comes from our collective voice, and together we will continue the work to support women’s education and economic empowerment. We can support women and move our agenda forward by making a gift to the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund or a strategic focus area as an AAUW Ohio Branch. Make the donation by Dec. 31. The funds at the national level are:
- AAUW Greatest Needs Fund (9110)
- Education & Training Fund (4450)
- Leadership Fund (4452)
- Economic Security Fund (4449)
- Governance and Sustainability (4451)
Go to: How to Support AAUW through Fundraising – AAUW : Empowering Women Since 1881
We must persist in making work spaces inclusive and free from discrimination, harassment, bias, and violence. We must keep our focus on gender equity. If you want to keep your funds local to Ohio, support Be Wise Camp. This women in science camp started in 1989 and has been sponsored by AAUW Ohio. The goal of the camp is to inspire middle school girls to love math and science. Through the past 36 years approximately 3000 girls have attended this camp. Thank you JoAnn Benseler for your vision and persistence through the years to have influence in the lives of girls. Go to Girls Camp | Be WISE Camp.
We will persist.
STARZ Recognition Checklist Now Online
AAUW branches choosing to participate in the STARZ Recognition Program can find the checklist in printable PDF on the AAUW Ohio website. This branch recognition was reinstated this year with JoAnn Benseler, who created the program, chairing the effort. Download the PDF by clicking this link.
AAUW Ohio Seeks Public Policy Chair
The AAUW Ohio board is seeking a public policy chair to manage state-wide public policy initiatives and to assist branch public policy chairs. The chair will serve as a member of the AAUW Ohio Board and will represent AAUW Ohio in coalitions. This is a volunteer position and offers an opportunity to make a difference. For more information, contact Janice McCloud, AAUW Ohio president, at president.aauwoh@gmail.com.
Join Bowling Green AAUW for their 2025 Lunch and Convos.
Enjoy book discussions over lunch with BG AAUW. Email dgwoold@bgsu.edu to RSVP if you are attending in person and for a parking pass. See the dates, book titles and Zoom links below.
Thursday, February 13, 2025 from 12 – 1 p.m., Hayes 203
What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat by Aubrey Gordon
Discussant: Laura Sheets
Meeting ID: 890 9381 1510 Passcode: 218590
Thursday, April 10, 2025 from 12 – 1 p.m., Hayes 203
Hags: The Demonisation of Middle-Aged Women by Victoria Smith
Discussant: Kacee Ferrell Snyder
Meeting ID: 862 8132 1639 Passcode: 803296
Fall Summit 2024: Sharing Resources To Communicate and Connect
The sharing of resources among AAUW members from throughout Ohio was on the agenda Saturday, Sept. 28, at AAUW Ohio’s Fall Summit, held at All Saints Lutheran Church, Worthington, Ohio.
Rush Rogers, AAUW Ohio Program Chair, enlisted members for a panel discussion on how we communicate and connect through all levels of AAUW. She also engaged attendees with a webinar from aauw.org, “It’s My Vote: AAUW Priorities in the 2024 Election.”
Over lunch, AAUW colleagues who held the same office exchanged ideas and best practices.
Erin Czerniak, former AAUW Ohio public chair and a public policy enthuasiast/campaign adviser talked about the current election season, public policy and the Ohio State Legislature. She noted that “how we talk about the election matters” and shared data-informed messaging guidance from Galvanize Action. In particular, she talked about what’s resonating with voters this cycle. Read more about Erin’s presentation here.
AAUW Ohio Monthly 2024-25 Discussions
Books to Initiate Conversation and Thought
Join AAUW members from throughout Ohio in discussing important books that offer a chance to reflect on the stories of women — from a look at women’s heroism in World war II to a fictional account of nurses in Vietnam.
And we will look at how our stories change the way we live — through a book on the political power of black motherhood and another on the way trauma reshapes the body and brain. Find the list of books for 2024 and 2025 on our Books to Initiate Conversation and Thought page.
Be Wise Camp June 15-20, 2025
Be WISE is a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Camp (STEM) designed to develop interest, excitement, and self-confidence in young women. Through the past 35 years approximately 3000 girls have attended this camp.
Be WISE Camp residential camp dates are June 15 to 20, 2025 at Muskingum University, New Concord, Ohio. Jessica Kuhner is Camp Director. Apply for residential camp for girls in Grades 7 & 8 by April 30, 2025.
Day Camp for girls in Grades 5 & 6 will be in July at Philo Junior High in Philo, Ohio.
This year forms and flyers are completely online. Parents are able to fill out the application from the Be Wise website, or from the camp’s app. Any campers that are applying for a scholarship just need to include your contact information (name, phone number, and email). Once the application is complete the teacher of choice will receive the recommendation form through email.
As soon as the scholarship and teacher recommendation form are received, the Camp Director will forward them to you. Then you will be able to review and keep all of the information.
How to apply to camp – This document includes all of the steps for applying and all of our information.
Families that are paying the full amount themselves are able to make that payment on our website, www.bewisecamp.org. Any partial payments must be mailed in by check.
The camp offers many all-camp activities such as outdoor activities and coding. All sleeping, eating, and instructional facilities will be located on the campus of Muskingum University, New Concord, Ohio. Visit their website to learn more. Slots fill fast. Forms and Flyers are all online this year.
Statewide Annual Meeting and Convention Concludes
Members from across Ohio met April 13, 2024 at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio and online, in Convention, to discuss and to learn from AAUW’s Nancy Shoemaker Open Membership https://openupaauw.org/, Ohio State Senator Paula Hicks Hudson The Carrot and the Stick for Pay Equity in Ohio SB 232, SB 231. Why is Pay Equity Important, How to Stay Engaged and up to date; and Public Education by Toledo Public School Board Member Sheena Barnes. The morning concluded with a journaling exercise Narrative Healing.
Newly elected officers were announced and installed during the afternoon Annual Meeting. The Bylaws change to allow every member to vote and change the Voting Body required were adopted. Meet the officers for 2024-2026; view the branches that received awards for Model Branch, Communications, and Diversity. Follow the links above for more information.
Who Won Branch Awards?
Find a list of Branches that received awards on the Branch Awards page.
You branch has done good things this year. Let us know about them and we will share your story on this website.
Convention Book Discussion Open to All
From the moment we ask children what they want to “be” when they grow up, we exalt the dream job as if it were life’s ultimate objective. Many entangle their identities with their jobs, with predictable damage to happiness, wellbeing, and even professional success.
In The Good Enough Job, journalist Simone Stolzoff traces how work has come to dominate Americans’ lives—and why we find it so difficult to let go. Rather than treat work as a calling or a dream, he asks what it would take to reframe work as a part of life rather than the entirety of our lives. What does it mean for a job to be good enough?
This Friday night book discussion was open to all.
Looking for Previous AAUW Ohio Statewide Programs?
Did you miss it? Read about it on the Statewide & District Events page. Listen and watch the video posted on the Statewide and District Events recap page.
Branches: See News about Bylaws Update and 990N
Branches should go to the Branch Corner page of this website for news about updating branch bylaws and filing your 990N.
News about Dues Payments
Most of our members have dues expiring June 30. When you receive notice that it’s time to pay, your FY24 national dues will be $72 and Ohio’s dues will be $11, for a total of $83. Add branch dues to be a member of your local group.
Branch treasurers who collect dues and submit them for their members should note: You must send an email to the Ohio finance officer, notifying her of all of your active Life Members and Honorary Members. Also remember, you may see State Leaders listed on your roster, please leave them there.
Find an AAUW Branch
Ohio Branches and their websites are listed on the Join page. Find one near you or Contact Us to join the Online Branch
News about Branch Events
Read what branches are doing on the Branch Events page. Fall book sales, book discussions, and programs for the year. Do you wonder how we found these? We looked on your website. Keep it up to date and your branch could be featured. We would like to hear more about your branch. Contact Us.
AAUW Trains Women To Negotiate
Moving on to train the next million . . .
Use the free tool AAUW’s Work Smart Online. Find out more… Register for Work Smart Online. Everyone benefits from knowing how and when to negotiate. Have you heard that the online course is free?
The Cumulative Impact of Sexual Harassment
AAUW’s research report finds that workplace sexual harassment can take a toll on women’s physical and mental health, limit their job choices, reduce prospects for career development and even force them out of the workforce. These negative effects compound over time, reducing women’s lifetime earnings, and contributing to both the gender and retirement wage gaps, the report concludes.
Join us to make an impact on women and girls. Download the report from our national site.
In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks an inclusive membership, workforce, leadership team, and board of directors. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, geographical location, national origin, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.