AAUW Ohio Bylaws Change Accepted

AAUW Ohio delegates have voted on a bylaws change. Results of this bylaws question were accepted at the 2024 Annual Meeting on April 13, 2024. Read the AAUW Ohio Bylaws, April 2024. Thank you to all branches that submitted delegates and their contact info.
2024-2026 AAUW Ohio Elected Officers
President Janice McCloud
Janice McCloud has a B.S. Southern Illinois University, M.B.A. Murray State University, M.A.Ed., Muskingum University. She has been a member of the Zanesville Ohio Branch for 24 years. Janice has served AAUW at the local, district and state levels during her membership. At the local level, she has served as President, Vice President and on numerous committees. Janice has served and the State Convention Co Chair, and the College/University Representative. She has a long history of service and participation in fall summits, district meetings and state conventions.
Program Vice President Rush Rodgers
Rush Rodgers has been an active AAUW member for several years. She is a 42-year professional educator with non-traditional, at risk and disenfranchised students. Trainer and presenter at local, state, and national level in the public and private sector. Committee and team member with community service groups, churches, and schools. She is a member of the Worthing Branch and has served as president and programming. Rush has been essential at the State and Regional levels in programming and organizing meetings, working with Be Wise STEM Camp, and has been active in the Coffee and Convos State Series. She is a Second generation AAUW member Mother of the 3rd generation member and Grandmother of the 4th generation member.
Membership Vice President Helen Drake
Helen Drake has a BA in Psychology from Ohio State University, and a MEd Rehabilitation Counseling from Kent State University. She has served the community and Ohio as a vocational rehabilitation counselor and supervisor for 33 years and worked with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. Helen has been an active member of the Northeast Ohio Branch for 10 years. She has served in the offices of President and Membership in the branch by providing leadership, inclusion, and community service.
Fundraising & Philanthropy Vice President Deborah Wooldridge
Deborah Wooldridge has been an AAUW member for 20 years. She is a member of the Bowling Green Ohio branch and has served at the local, district and State level. She was the director of AAUW Tech Trek camp for eleven years and continues to support STEM initiatives. She has served as President, Vice President of Programing and Membership at the local level as well as NW District Coordinator. At the State level, she has served and President, VP of Programming, VP of Membership, VP of fundraising and Leadership Chair. She has spent her career mentoring others and she believes that we must always reach back and pull others along with us in our journey to improve the quality of life for individuals and families. Her motto is equity and justice for all.
Secretary Michelle Radkin
Michelle (Mickey) Radkin has been an AAUW member for 16 years. She is a member of the Toledo Ohio branch and has served at the local, district and State level. She has served as President, President Elect and Treasurer at the local level as well as NW District Coordinator and President at the State Level. Professionally, Mickey works with Adults with Developmental Disabilities, retiring from the county board of DD at a program manager and currently works as CEO for a local agency that serves individuals in NW Ohio.
Financial Officers Jana Patchen & Becky Bringardner
Jana Patchen is an experienced analyst and internal auditor and brings this knowledge to the financial officer position. She has degrees from University of Notre Dame and Ashland University. She has been member of AAUW for 43 years and is a lifetime member. Jana is a member of the Worthington Branch and has served as president, membership chair, and corresponding secretary. At the state level she has served as the financial officer. Jane regularly attends the State and District meetings. She is dedicated to the organization with a long history of supporting the mission at the branch level. She has performed some sort of officer function in the Worthington branch for 25 years and is organized and has demonstrated that she can handle management of the AAUW Ohio financial books.
Becky Bringardiner has been Curriculum Director of Be Wise STEM Camp for several years and is currently the website designer for AAUW Worthington Branch. A former teacher, Becky is a facilitator for Project WILD: Aquatics and Project Trees.
The Convention Book Discussion Friday, April 12, 2024
From the moment we ask children what they want to “be” when they grow up, we exalt the dream job as if it were life’s ultimate objective. Many entangle their identities with their jobs, with predictable damage to happiness, wellbeing, and even professional success.
In The Good Enough Job, journalist and innovation designer Simone Stolzoff traces how work has come to dominate Americans’ lives—and why we find it so difficult to let go. Rather than treat work as a calling or a dream, he asks what it would take to reframe work as a part of life rather than the entirety of our lives. What does it mean for a job to be good enough?
AAUW Ohio holds an Annual Meeting and Convention in spring of even numbered years. Every fall AAUW Ohio holds a Fall Summit.
For a recap of previous events click here.